As part of National College Colors Weekend, we want you to show off your Black & Gold at the Commodores home opener against Western Carolina on September 5.
Take a look at the stadium map below (click image to make bigger). If your tickets are in one of the designated black sections (A-K), we want you to wear a black shirt to the game. If your tickets are in one of the gold sections (L-V), we need you to show your gold!

Make sure you check your tickets to find out which color you should wear to the game. Let’s have some fun and welcome the Music City Bowl champions with a stadium split with Black & Gold on September 5.
Don't forget, season tickets start at only $109... click here to order. Also, if you come to the Vanderbilt Bookstore between the dates of August 16-September 5 and trade in a non-Vanderbilt college shirt, you will receive a 25% off a brand new Vanderbilt t-shirt! All the old items will be donated to charity.
Does the bookstore have gold t-shirts? That might be a difficult color to get half the stadium to wear. But I agree that it's about time vandy fans start wearing black and gold.
ReplyDeleteThat is a great idea. It will look great on TV, and boost the energy in the stadium. Congrats to whomever came up with it.
ReplyDeleteI will help spread the word as much as I can, but it would also be good if Joe mentioned it on 104.5 during his daily update, and we could get George Plaster to mention it during the afternoon show. I know a lot of our fans listen to 104.5.
Go 'Dores!
Yes the bookstore does have gold shirts. Click on the link for Vandy merchandise on the main page of Vucommodores. Then click on T-shirts on the left sidebar. Best deal is a gold shirt that reads: VANDERBILT...its only $14!
ReplyDeleteClick on "Vandy Shirt" and that should take you to the page.
they should give t shirts away !!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI Acompletely agree with anonymous!
ReplyDeleteYou can get GOLD T-SHIRTS (Bobby Ball '09) at Moozikoo.com, and they ship for free. I have one and it's good quality.
ReplyDeleteI would love for a person in VU marketing to take some brand initiative and decide on an official shade of gold for Vanderbilt. I've got 6 "gold" Vandy T-shirts in my closet ranging from bright yellow to mustard khaki! Scores of universities have officially licensed colors - let's do the same for Vanderbilt gold so fans across the nation can feel unity behind their team colors! :D
i agree with smitty, PICK A SHADE!
ReplyDeleteThere is an official shade of gold. It's called Vegas Gold, or officially Pantone 132. If you purchase from a store that carries Nike product, (official sideline brand) then you are likely to be getting the correct Vegas Gold color. You're always going to be able to find different colors of gold or yellow because people continue to buy them. Also, it is important for fans to purchase offically licensed product, so that Vanderbilt receives the funds from the sale.
ReplyDeleteBlack is so hard to see in the stadium. Gold or Yellow really stands out. When visiting teams wear their bright colors it is obvious they are there. So I think we should make gold/yellow the standard wear!
ReplyDeletewhich section(s) is for students?
ReplyDeleteif you're in the student section, wear gold!
ReplyDeletewhy would the students wear gold when their section is black on the color chart?
ReplyDeletethe student seats are from section N to P, and the Band is in section Q.. so gold would be the color to wear. thanks!
ReplyDeleteHow about employees who have no clue as to where they are seated Sept 5th for the game. Are we in a special section and if so what color?
ReplyDeleteThis will be difficult for the Faculty and Staff attending the game after Tailgate, since they do not pick up their tickets until immediately before the game. Any recommendation for those individuals?
ReplyDeleteIm about 99% positive that the faculty and staff will sit in the black section. That is where they sat a few years ago. Plus this would seat them close to the NCC, so it make sense to me to be prepared to wear black.
ReplyDeleteWhere are the tickets for players' families located - black or gold?
ReplyDeleteCash for Clunkers for t-shirts. Good idea!